Board of Directors meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month, at 3:30 pm in the DSA offices at 110 N. San Joaquin St. 5th Floor, Stockton, CA, United States, 95202. Meetings are open to the public.
Call the DSA office, at (209) 464-5246, in advance for more information and to confirm.

Joe Michael
Pacific Development Group

Donna Williamson
SJC Office of Education

Tony Yadon
Parents By Choice
Jacob Benguerel
San Joaquin Family Law
Mahala Burns
Cort Companies
Tina McCarty
City of Stockton Parking
David Lipari
SJ Regional Rail Commission
Matty Amen
Huddle Cowork
Not Pictured:
Farrokh Yazdi, YCPM Historical Stockton LLC
Connie Hart, San Joaquin County
Get Involved With the Board of Directors
The Downtown Stockton Alliance is seeking interested, engaged property or business owners from the Downtown PBID District who would like to serve on the DSA Board of Directors.
These positions contribute to the working Board of the Downtown Stockton Alliance and require at least 4 hours per month of volunteer participation resulting in tremendous satisfaction and important contribution to the revitalization of Downtown Stockton.
Read more details about the DSA Board of Directors and its members in the DSA By-Laws (Sections 2-11).
Please call DSA at 209-464-5246 if you have any questions.
Open Positions
Interesting in being on our board of directors? We have open positions! Apply today!
View Application here, and submit via email or in person.
Get Involved in Other Ways
There are several other ways for community members to stay informed and get involved in the Downtown Stockton Alliance’s programs and initiatives:
Board of Directors meetings
Economic Development Committee
Finance Committee
Clean and Safe Committee
Marketing Committee
Business Watch Meetings
To become a volunteer ambassador, email Johnny Palacios, DSA Ambassador.
Call the DSA office at (209) 464-5246 for more information about the above meetings, committees, and programs.