Property Owner FAQ

Help us renew the Downtown Stockton District for another 20 years!

View the 2025 Community Improvement District Management District Plan summary here.


View the 2025 recertification petition letter here.

Q: I know I pay taxes, but I have never heard of the Downtown Stockton Alliance Community Improvement District (CID) and don’t understand why I have received a petition and/or ballot in the mail. Is this new?

A: The Downtown Stockton Alliance (DSA) – a 501 (c) 6 non-profit – was first formed in 1997, and has been operating as a Property Based Business Improvement District (PBID) since its formation. The Downtown Stockton Alliance as an organization and district has been a part of the Downtown Stockton community for over 25 years. The DSA and the Downtown PBID are not new. We are required to undergo a recertification every 10 years, and we successfully recertified most recently in 2017. (If you are already a property owner within the PBID, you can view a sample tax bill here, showing where the Downtown Stockton assessment currently appears.)

In 2025, as a part of our upcoming recertification, the DSA Board has voted to transition from a Property Based Business Improvement District (PBID) to a Community Improvement District (CID). The Downtown Stockton Alliance Board, staff, and services will remain the same, but the name and type of the district will change. To learn about our services, you can visit the About Us page.

Q: What exactly does the Downtown Stockton Alliance do?

A: The Downtown Stockton Alliance’s mission is to promote business, housing, arts, and entertainment to help create a vibrant, sustainable, urban community in Downtown Stockton.

Here are some of the services the DSA provides:

To see a detailed list of the services of the DSA, view our Property Owner Booklet.

Q: What changes are anticipated as a part of the Downtown Stockton Alliance 2025 recertification and transition to a Community Improvement District?

A: The Board has voted to approve the following changes to the Downtown Stockton district during the 2025 recertification process:

  • The type of district will be changing from a Property Based Business Improvement District (PBID) to a Community Improvement District (CID) under a City of Stockton ordinance.
    • After process completion, the district will be known as the Downtown Stockton Community Improvement District (DSCID).
  • The renewal period/term for the CID will be 20 years, under the City of Stockton ordinance.
  • All properties in the district will be designated Zone 1, meaning ALL properties will receive the same level of services.
  • The assessment calculation method will be simplified to:
    • Lot SQFT x Lot Rate + Total Building SQFT x Building SQFT Rate
  • There will be a discounted rate for non-profits, which is equivalent to the discounted residential rate.
  • The district boundaries will be changing – expansion in parts of the northern, western, and southern boundaries of the district, and reduction in parts of the southern boundaries of the district.

Q: My property has never been in the Downtown Stockton district before; why am I receiving correspondence and a petition and/or ballot?

A: As a part of the district recertification, the DSA Board has voted to change the district boundaries. In some cases, this means the district is expanding, while in other areas, it is shrinking. Please view a map of the 2025 Downtown Stockton Community Improvement District boundaries below. The old map (from the 2017 recertification) can be viewed here for comparison.

Q: What is involved in the recertification process of the Downtown Stockton district?

A: Below please find the steps involved in successfully recertifying the Downtown district as a Community Improvement District (CID).

1:1 Stakeholder meetingsSept 2024 – June 2025
Gathering stakeholder petition signatures, in order to get the DSA recertification on a ballot >30% of signed, weighted dollar petitions must be gathered in order to complete this stepJan – April 2025  
City of Stockton mailing of DSA recertification ballots to stakeholdersMay – June 2025
Stakeholder voting on recertification ballotsMay – July 2025
City of Stockton ballot tabulation and approval of the recertification >50% of returned, weighted dollar ballots in favor must be received in order for the process to be successfulJuly – August 2025

Q: If my property is new to the district, what benefits will I received once the CID is approved/in place?

A: Once the CID has been successfully renewed/formed, you as the property owner are entitled to all of the same services/benefits that existing district owners receive. Please view the Property Owner Booklet here to learn about all of the services we provide. The only difference is that there will no longer be 3 separate zones – every property will be designated as Zone 1 and therefore will receive the same level of benefits.

Q: I still have questions; how can I get in touch with the Executive Director?

A: Our Executive Director, Mike Huber, is happy to talk with any of our stakeholders. You can call the office at 209.464.5246 or you can schedule a meeting here via his Calendly link.


Q: I know I pay taxes, but I have never heard of the Downtown Stockton Alliance PBID. Is this new?

A: No. The Downtown Stockton Alliance (DSA) was first formed in 1997.

We are a line item on your property tax bill (view a sample bill here). DSA exists directly because of the assessments paid through this PBID.

Q: My building is located on the edge of the Downtown District; does my assessment differ from my neighbors’ whose properties are closer to the City Center?

A: Yes! The District is divided into 3 zones currently. Each receives a different level of services, and thus pays a different amount per square foot (View the Downtown District map).

Q: Is DSA a branch of the City of Stockton?

A: No. We are a non-profit funded through your assessments.

We work closely with the City of Stockton and other Downtown entities, but we are not the City of Stockton and do not have the same responsibilities/jurisdiction as the City of Stockton.

Q: My sidewalk/light pole/street sign/road/parking lot is damaged and needs repair, does DSA fix these things?

A: No. These all fall under the jurisdiction of the City of Stockton.

Ask Stockton” is a great City resource to use if you are experiencing these types of problems.

Q: Someone has left garbage/excrement/waste/debris on my sidewalk, will DSA pick it up?

A: Yes! We have a maintenance crew which circulates in Zone 1 and Zone 2 daily (view the Downtown District map), but if there has been a special occurrence, please call 209-464-5246 and we will be sure to get to this type of problem within 24 hours.

If the issue is too large for us to handle, we may call the City for assistance.

Q: There is graffiti on my street-facing wall/sidewalk/light post/street sign, will DSA take care of it?

A: Yes! If you have an issue like this, please call 209-464-5246 and we will remove the graffiti using our graffiti wipes or another cleaning solution.

If you have the correct color paint for the surface, we will coordinate with you to use that paint to cover it.

Q: The weeds on my sidewalk are overgrown, will DSA take care of it?

A: Yes! If you notice weeds growing on your sidewalk, please call 209-464-5246 and we will schedule the weed removal within 72 hours.

We do not remove weeds inside of parking lots, etc. This is the private property owner’s responsibility.

Q: Does DSA do any power washing?

A: Yes! DSA has a small power washer which our maintenance team uses for spot-treating special sidewalk incidents.

If you need a spot-treatment due to a food spill/excrement or a similar issue, please call 209-464-5246.

We also have 2 sidewalk powerwashing crews that cycle through Zones 1 & 2 (view the Downtown District map) on the schedule visible here.

Q: Does DSA charge fees for clean-up, waste removal, or weed removal?

A: No, not for Zones 1 & 2 (view the Downtown district map). Downtown property owners in these zones already pay an assessment on their tax bill which covers these types of services.

2017 Recertification Documents

View the Downtown Stockton PBID 2017 info packet

Read the full press release announcing the PBID re-certification in 2017.